
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 5.

We are five days in our 28 day challenge. 

How are you all doing?? What have you found to be the most difficult in the challenge so far?

I'm personally quite sore from the exercise yesterday but it reminds me - every time I move-  that I did something good for my health and my body. Rest today and here is your workout demo for tomorrow: CLICK HERE

As a goal for this week I decided to reread the book Cruise Ship or Nursing Home to keep me motivated and refresh my memory on the nutrition plans. I highly recommend doing that- it is a great book and a very easy read!

If you have any questions, concerns, confused about anything regarding the plan or simply need extra guidance or someone to keep you motivated do not hesitate to contact us. This is all about you and your health. Both Dr. John and I are here to help you and we want you to succeed and reach your goals. Comment here, send us an email, text us, facebook us or send us a letter.....:)


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tuesday workout!

Here is a demo for your homework workouts for today. ~ 9/11/ 2012 

We completed the workout this morning out in the park. Szabina scored 75 reps and Dr. John had 78 reps of Triceps dips. Make sure you email me with your total reps for 1 minute on the triceps dips to get credit for the workout. Your team is COUNTING ON YOU!!

Good luck everyone~

Monday, September 10, 2012

Awesome start~

Congratulations to all of you starting the challenge on Saturday!!

Make sure you visit your "Scoring Points" paper every day to earn points for your team, and to introduce new, healthy habits in your life.

The teams are the following:
RED Team:
  1. Tina 
  2. Harold
  3. Heidi
  4. Francisco
  5. Relda
  6. Susan
  7. Sarah
  8. Szabina (Team Captain)
  1. Jim
  2. Morgan
  3. Jeff
  4. Leah
  5. Amanda
  6. Sheba
  7. Jessica
  8. Dr. John (Team Captain)

Friday, September 7, 2012

Rules of the new Challenge

The Fit and UnFit Challenge of September 2012

Welcome to the Fit and UnFit Challenge.  We named it this because it doesn’t matter what kind of shape you are in, there is always room for improvement.  None of us is perfect or expected to be.  This challenge is for everyone to improve your habits and get better.  You set your goals, you follow the plan and use the resources, and you get the results.
We will be making this competitive! – Because it’s about creating a community and about keeping each other accountable.  That way we all win in the end!!  We will divide into two teams and have the chance to win points for your team.  We will also compete against two other Maximized Living offices to see who creates the best habits and who gets the best results.  Ready, Set, Let’s Go!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Home Stretch

Hi.  We are in the final days of the 28 day challenge.  Are you still with us? The final measurements are occuring Mon-Tue of next week.  We had a great workshop here at the office last night learning the path to true Heart Health.  Congratulations to all that were in attendance.  Be sure to go to our facebook page for the 143 reasons sugar is destroying your health:!/pages/Maximized-Living-Health-Center-Holy-Cross-Family-Chiropractic/109602782449493

After the workshop I got home and was starving, how about you?  Well to be honest, I wasn't sure what to eat.  Luckily, I had some leftover chicken breast from the other day - I always try to grill extra breasts and keep them in the fridge for times like these. 

Looking aroung there was much else, but I found some peppers in the veggie drawer, some diced tomatoes, added some Italian spices and I grated some cheese. I cubed up the chicked and heated it in a pot with the tomato, spices and cheese.  I cut the peppers in half and stuffed them with the chicken mixture then baked them in the oven for about 10 minutes. 

While that was baking, I cut up to avocados, mashed them up a bit, added some salt, powdered garlic and lemon juice - boom! - Fastest guacamole in the west!

A great healthy dinner in about 15 minutes and very limited chef skills!  How did I do it?  Accountability.  I wanted to treat my wife and fix her dinner for a change (she always does the lionshare of the cooking).  You can do so much more when your change your focus from yourself to serving others.

P.S.  There is maxT3 surge training on Saturday at 9am, hope to see you there!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Two week check

Just over two weeks completed in the challenge.  I hope you all are doing your best.  By the numbers of the measurements this week, I can tell you there are three groups:
1) those that are into it 100%
2) those that like the idea of the challenge (they like the result) but don't necessarily want to go through what it takes to get the results
3) those people that didn't even get measurements done (for whatever reason) and have just given up

Here's the good news... no matter what category you are in, you can always improve.
I am proud of you for starting the challenge.  I encourage you to pick up wherever you left off.
You are a champion and you have everything you need to be successful. 

Remember it is not just about the result - it's about the better person that you become as you go through the journey on your way to the result.

Have a great night!

PS.  We are having surge training on Saturday morning at 9am at the office - come and join us and in less than 10 minutes get in an amazing workout for the day!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Or... you can add some almonds to your chocolate mix, pour it onto a plate covered with wax paper, put it in the freezer and have yourself a giant chocolate bar, like Szabina did :-)

Happy Valentines Day!

Congratulations, we are now two weeks into the 28 day challenge.  Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday on this week we are taking progress measurements in weight, body fat percentage and BMI.  Be sure to get measured in the office over the next two days. 

Hopefully, you are following the plan, if not - it is NOT too late.  Even if you have done nothing in the past two weeks - it is NOT too late.  We have had some people lose up to 7 pounds in the past two weeks.  If you were to just start today, two weeks from now THAT COULD BE YOU - 7 (or more) pounds lighter.  Get going today!

I know, today is a day of love and a day of chocolate! For you chocolate lovers out there, if you are wondering how you'll make it throught he day try this. 
Take about 2 tablespoons of butter and warm it in a pot.  Stir in one cube of unsweetened chocolate bar (we use the Bakers brand).  Add stevia incrementally to sweeten the chocolate (be sure to taste it as you go to get your desired sweetness).  Get your strawberries and dip them in.  There is you're advanced plan sweets for your Sweetie!

Have a great Valentines Day everyone!

Monday, February 6, 2012

One Week Complete

Ahhh, the smoothie!  What a great choice - such an easy source of protein, good fats, and limited sugar.  It works as an awesome snack or even a whole meal replacement.  If you haven't had one yet you are missing out.  In fact, I am having one as I'm typing right now.  Just mix frozen berries, with coconut milk or almond milk (or both for that matter), add Maximized Living Vanilla protein powder, and I like to add a raw egg or two and blend.

Tomorrow starts week two of the challenge and I trust you are doing well.  I heard from one couple and they are loving it.  That's the way to do it - get fully immersed and play at 100%.  If you have questions, then ask.  Get on the blog everyday.  Tomorrow (Tuesday) is Shop with the Doc at 6:30 at the King Soopers on 28th and Quebec.  We are meeting at 6:30 sharp and will start the tour then.  We will use the time to locate items and read labels.  Everyone will get a customized shopping list as well - so, see you there. 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 5 - Superbowl!

In 1932 Dr. Otto Wartenburg identified the primary mechanism of cancer growth being the change in the cells from the use of oxygen as fuel to the preference for sugar.  That is why the Maximized Living Health Plans say no sugar.  I mention that today because for most people, at about day 5, that's when you start to have the cravings.  If you're having them right now, you know what I'm talking about. 

There is a battle going on right now you "sugar burners".  You bodies are craving sugar because that is what it is used to using as its primary source for fuel.  So right now, this is the most important time.  Because right now, in the next 24-48 hours, your body is going to start shifting.  Shifting what?where?   Shifting from burning sugar, to burning fat.  And if you can avoid sugar (and those things that turn to sugar, of course) you can allow this process to go on uninterrupted, and really see results - so stay strong.

Look, I know tomorrow is the Superbowl and yet another day of overindulgence, but you get to choose.  It's your choice to make.  Pizza and Cake or Hummus and Veggies - you're decision.  And I'm hoping you didn't decide to create something like this...

Choose wisely!


Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 4 - Power of the Peloton

Peloton is a word that comes from the French meaning platoon or group. 

If you were to enter into a war as as a single individual how what are your chances of winning?  zero to none.  However, if you were a member of a very large very strong platoon, how much have your chances of winning improved? GREATLY.

In the Tour de France you hear about the Peloton all the time, why?  Because it is so much easier to ride a bicycle 150 miles a day for 22 straight days when you are part of the group.  In fact, data have show that a rider uses 30-40% less energy as pasrt of the group versus pedaling alone.

On this 28 day challenge you are joining the peloton and get to experience its power.  Look at this picture from our Maximized Living seminar today...

This is just a portion of the offices that are competing in the challenge that going on around the country!
There is POWER IN NUMBERS and when you surround yourself with like minded people who are on purpose - you get together, squash any obstacles in your way and take home the victory!


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 3 - Traveling

Remember the days when your family would go on a roadtrip?  I do.  We loaded up the car, packed some games (not video games), sang songs, and always packed a cooler.  We would stop somewhere along the way (usually on the Jersey Turnpike), take out the cooler, find a picnic table and enjoy our fresh fruit/veggie snacks and a sandwich.  What a lost art! 

With the advent of all these fast food joints popping up everywhere (I seen no less than 40 different places in the airports I went through today), it's so easy to just give in and do what everyone else is doing>>>  Well Mark Twain wrote, "When you find your self on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."  5 out of 6 people die from heart disease and cancer and you're not going to be one of them.  You are living an exceptional life, you are an exception to the norm!

You CAN have it all when you start tackling your limiting beliefs.  You act in accordance with what you BELIEVE and not with what you KNOW.  If deep down you feel like you are just fat, or lazy, or not smart enough, then these limiting beliefs will hold you back.  So start recognizing when you have one of these beliefs enter your mind and write it down.  Then write the opposite (or empowering belief) directly below it.  Then whenever you have that belief enter your mind in the future, you can stomp it out with your new empowering belief!  Go for it!

Day 2

How was your day 2?  Did you write down your Big Why???  If not, STOP READING AND DO IT RIGHT NOW!
Ok now that you're back, my Day 2 taught me an important lesson.  Don't let yourself go hungry. 

Make sure you have planned out your SNACKS as well as your meals.  Eating (healthy foods) before feeling like you want to gnaw your neighbors arm off will do two things:
1) It will keep your blood sugar levels more consistent
2) Your energy and concentration levels will improve rather than decline

Care to share your Big Why?  Post it to the comments section below.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 1.

Day 1 in the books!

Hopefully, you all had a successful first day of the challenge.  By now, you should have you accountabililty partner(s) - keep in mind, if there is someone you would like to get involved in the challenge, you can invite them to play along - just tell them how to access the blog.  Also, if you haven't become a "follower" of the blog, do so now because it will keep you abreast of any new posts.

Day 1 is a day of breaking old habits and the best way to do that is to have a plan.  This morning came early for me (Dr. Steffens) as most Tuesdays do, and my natural instinct wsa to fire up a coffee, but since one of my goals is to reduce toxicity and acidity in my body, TEA it was!!

What challenges did you face today?  Did your plan carry you through?  I bet it did!

Tomorrow talks about identifying your BIG WHY.  We haven't mentioned this yet, but this is the REAL REASON you are doing this.  It's not to lose 30 pounds to look better in a bikini.  This is about family, loved ones, avoiding mistakes of the past, and creating a new family tree.  Think about and write down your BIG WHY so you can refer to it and recite it during times of weakness.  "Life and Death are in the power of the Tongue."

Congrats on comlpeting day 1 - you did it!

Dr. Steffens