
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Two week check

Just over two weeks completed in the challenge.  I hope you all are doing your best.  By the numbers of the measurements this week, I can tell you there are three groups:
1) those that are into it 100%
2) those that like the idea of the challenge (they like the result) but don't necessarily want to go through what it takes to get the results
3) those people that didn't even get measurements done (for whatever reason) and have just given up

Here's the good news... no matter what category you are in, you can always improve.
I am proud of you for starting the challenge.  I encourage you to pick up wherever you left off.
You are a champion and you have everything you need to be successful. 

Remember it is not just about the result - it's about the better person that you become as you go through the journey on your way to the result.

Have a great night!

PS.  We are having surge training on Saturday morning at 9am at the office - come and join us and in less than 10 minutes get in an amazing workout for the day!

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