
Friday, February 24, 2012

Home Stretch

Hi.  We are in the final days of the 28 day challenge.  Are you still with us? The final measurements are occuring Mon-Tue of next week.  We had a great workshop here at the office last night learning the path to true Heart Health.  Congratulations to all that were in attendance.  Be sure to go to our facebook page for the 143 reasons sugar is destroying your health:!/pages/Maximized-Living-Health-Center-Holy-Cross-Family-Chiropractic/109602782449493

After the workshop I got home and was starving, how about you?  Well to be honest, I wasn't sure what to eat.  Luckily, I had some leftover chicken breast from the other day - I always try to grill extra breasts and keep them in the fridge for times like these. 

Looking aroung there was much else, but I found some peppers in the veggie drawer, some diced tomatoes, added some Italian spices and I grated some cheese. I cubed up the chicked and heated it in a pot with the tomato, spices and cheese.  I cut the peppers in half and stuffed them with the chicken mixture then baked them in the oven for about 10 minutes. 

While that was baking, I cut up to avocados, mashed them up a bit, added some salt, powdered garlic and lemon juice - boom! - Fastest guacamole in the west!

A great healthy dinner in about 15 minutes and very limited chef skills!  How did I do it?  Accountability.  I wanted to treat my wife and fix her dinner for a change (she always does the lionshare of the cooking).  You can do so much more when your change your focus from yourself to serving others.

P.S.  There is maxT3 surge training on Saturday at 9am, hope to see you there!

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