
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 3 - Traveling

Remember the days when your family would go on a roadtrip?  I do.  We loaded up the car, packed some games (not video games), sang songs, and always packed a cooler.  We would stop somewhere along the way (usually on the Jersey Turnpike), take out the cooler, find a picnic table and enjoy our fresh fruit/veggie snacks and a sandwich.  What a lost art! 

With the advent of all these fast food joints popping up everywhere (I seen no less than 40 different places in the airports I went through today), it's so easy to just give in and do what everyone else is doing>>>  Well Mark Twain wrote, "When you find your self on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."  5 out of 6 people die from heart disease and cancer and you're not going to be one of them.  You are living an exceptional life, you are an exception to the norm!

You CAN have it all when you start tackling your limiting beliefs.  You act in accordance with what you BELIEVE and not with what you KNOW.  If deep down you feel like you are just fat, or lazy, or not smart enough, then these limiting beliefs will hold you back.  So start recognizing when you have one of these beliefs enter your mind and write it down.  Then write the opposite (or empowering belief) directly below it.  Then whenever you have that belief enter your mind in the future, you can stomp it out with your new empowering belief!  Go for it!

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