
Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 4 - Power of the Peloton

Peloton is a word that comes from the French meaning platoon or group. 

If you were to enter into a war as as a single individual how what are your chances of winning?  zero to none.  However, if you were a member of a very large very strong platoon, how much have your chances of winning improved? GREATLY.

In the Tour de France you hear about the Peloton all the time, why?  Because it is so much easier to ride a bicycle 150 miles a day for 22 straight days when you are part of the group.  In fact, data have show that a rider uses 30-40% less energy as pasrt of the group versus pedaling alone.

On this 28 day challenge you are joining the peloton and get to experience its power.  Look at this picture from our Maximized Living seminar today...

This is just a portion of the offices that are competing in the challenge that going on around the country!
There is POWER IN NUMBERS and when you surround yourself with like minded people who are on purpose - you get together, squash any obstacles in your way and take home the victory!


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