Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!

Congratulations, we are now two weeks into the 28 day challenge.  Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday on this week we are taking progress measurements in weight, body fat percentage and BMI.  Be sure to get measured in the office over the next two days. 

Hopefully, you are following the plan, if not - it is NOT too late.  Even if you have done nothing in the past two weeks - it is NOT too late.  We have had some people lose up to 7 pounds in the past two weeks.  If you were to just start today, two weeks from now THAT COULD BE YOU - 7 (or more) pounds lighter.  Get going today!

I know, today is a day of love and a day of chocolate! For you chocolate lovers out there, if you are wondering how you'll make it throught he day try this. 
Take about 2 tablespoons of butter and warm it in a pot.  Stir in one cube of unsweetened chocolate bar (we use the Bakers brand).  Add stevia incrementally to sweeten the chocolate (be sure to taste it as you go to get your desired sweetness).  Get your strawberries and dip them in.  There is you're advanced plan sweets for your Sweetie!

Have a great Valentines Day everyone!

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