Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 5 - Superbowl!

In 1932 Dr. Otto Wartenburg identified the primary mechanism of cancer growth being the change in the cells from the use of oxygen as fuel to the preference for sugar.  That is why the Maximized Living Health Plans say no sugar.  I mention that today because for most people, at about day 5, that's when you start to have the cravings.  If you're having them right now, you know what I'm talking about. 

There is a battle going on right now you "sugar burners".  You bodies are craving sugar because that is what it is used to using as its primary source for fuel.  So right now, this is the most important time.  Because right now, in the next 24-48 hours, your body is going to start shifting.  Shifting what?where?   Shifting from burning sugar, to burning fat.  And if you can avoid sugar (and those things that turn to sugar, of course) you can allow this process to go on uninterrupted, and really see results - so stay strong.

Look, I know tomorrow is the Superbowl and yet another day of overindulgence, but you get to choose.  It's your choice to make.  Pizza and Cake or Hummus and Veggies - you're decision.  And I'm hoping you didn't decide to create something like this...

Choose wisely!


1 comment:

  1. Ahhh, so true Dr. John! I had major sugar cravings today!!!! Well, I melted some butter and threw an unsweetened chocolate cube on it, sweetened it with stevia, and poured it over some pecans and frozen blueberries. I let it cool in the freezer for about 30min and it was perfect. Craving is gone, and actually can't even think about sweets for a while...:)
