Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 1.

Day 1 in the books!

Hopefully, you all had a successful first day of the challenge.  By now, you should have you accountabililty partner(s) - keep in mind, if there is someone you would like to get involved in the challenge, you can invite them to play along - just tell them how to access the blog.  Also, if you haven't become a "follower" of the blog, do so now because it will keep you abreast of any new posts.

Day 1 is a day of breaking old habits and the best way to do that is to have a plan.  This morning came early for me (Dr. Steffens) as most Tuesdays do, and my natural instinct wsa to fire up a coffee, but since one of my goals is to reduce toxicity and acidity in my body, TEA it was!!

What challenges did you face today?  Did your plan carry you through?  I bet it did!

Tomorrow talks about identifying your BIG WHY.  We haven't mentioned this yet, but this is the REAL REASON you are doing this.  It's not to lose 30 pounds to look better in a bikini.  This is about family, loved ones, avoiding mistakes of the past, and creating a new family tree.  Think about and write down your BIG WHY so you can refer to it and recite it during times of weakness.  "Life and Death are in the power of the Tongue."

Congrats on comlpeting day 1 - you did it!

Dr. Steffens

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