
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 5.

We are five days in our 28 day challenge. 

How are you all doing?? What have you found to be the most difficult in the challenge so far?

I'm personally quite sore from the exercise yesterday but it reminds me - every time I move-  that I did something good for my health and my body. Rest today and here is your workout demo for tomorrow: CLICK HERE

As a goal for this week I decided to reread the book Cruise Ship or Nursing Home to keep me motivated and refresh my memory on the nutrition plans. I highly recommend doing that- it is a great book and a very easy read!

If you have any questions, concerns, confused about anything regarding the plan or simply need extra guidance or someone to keep you motivated do not hesitate to contact us. This is all about you and your health. Both Dr. John and I are here to help you and we want you to succeed and reach your goals. Comment here, send us an email, text us, facebook us or send us a letter.....:)


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tuesday workout!

Here is a demo for your homework workouts for today. ~ 9/11/ 2012 

We completed the workout this morning out in the park. Szabina scored 75 reps and Dr. John had 78 reps of Triceps dips. Make sure you email me with your total reps for 1 minute on the triceps dips to get credit for the workout. Your team is COUNTING ON YOU!!

Good luck everyone~

Monday, September 10, 2012

Awesome start~

Congratulations to all of you starting the challenge on Saturday!!

Make sure you visit your "Scoring Points" paper every day to earn points for your team, and to introduce new, healthy habits in your life.

The teams are the following:
RED Team:
  1. Tina 
  2. Harold
  3. Heidi
  4. Francisco
  5. Relda
  6. Susan
  7. Sarah
  8. Szabina (Team Captain)
  1. Jim
  2. Morgan
  3. Jeff
  4. Leah
  5. Amanda
  6. Sheba
  7. Jessica
  8. Dr. John (Team Captain)

Friday, September 7, 2012

Rules of the new Challenge

The Fit and UnFit Challenge of September 2012

Welcome to the Fit and UnFit Challenge.  We named it this because it doesn’t matter what kind of shape you are in, there is always room for improvement.  None of us is perfect or expected to be.  This challenge is for everyone to improve your habits and get better.  You set your goals, you follow the plan and use the resources, and you get the results.
We will be making this competitive! – Because it’s about creating a community and about keeping each other accountable.  That way we all win in the end!!  We will divide into two teams and have the chance to win points for your team.  We will also compete against two other Maximized Living offices to see who creates the best habits and who gets the best results.  Ready, Set, Let’s Go!